This story teaser is killing me. According to Steve Barnes over at my favorite Times Union blog, Table Hopping, an Albany nightclub owner is in big trouble. I've heard so many stories about illegal behaviors by owners of local hotspots, I can't help but wonder who it is- although I definitely know of a few who it isn't. This narrows down the choices to a handful of well-known individuals I can think of, and I'm dying to see who the TU got the dish on.
There is also a very off chance that it may involve someone whom I dated personally in the past- not a nightclub owner, but someone who is currently having shady dealings with one- so it's exciting, in a sort of fucked-up voyeuristic way. Times Union just totally sold me on the Sunday paper with that one.
In other news, I have not been updating a lot because of holidays/work/school/laziness. This will change, although I throwing out any commitment to regular posts here. I *will* have a review of Wolf's 1-11 up over the weekend at the latest, but beyond that, I may post twice in one day and not post again for a couple of weeks, so please bear with me. Life can sometimes get in the way of this whole blogging thing, so while I'm still dedicated, I'm just not comfortable to committing to anything regular. Thank you for bearing with me.
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